The Project Advisory Board supports and advises the Protracted Displacement Economies project team by:
- providing expert input into the research development process.
- ensuring that the research is relevant and aligned with regional and international agendas.
- keeping the team up to date with shifting priorities and new relevant initiatives at different levels.
- advising the team on emergent opportunities for influencing and engaging with policy and practice, and connecting the team to policy spaces and key stakeholders.
The members of the Project Advisory Board are:
- Xavier Devictor: Practice Manager, Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group – World Bank
- Professor Sari Hanafi: Chair of the Islamic Studies Program & Director of the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies – American University of Beirut
- Jen Gordan: Productive Migration Policy Lead – Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
- Dr Abdi Hersi: Adjunct Research Fellow, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research – Griffith University
- Caroline Lensing-Hebben: Senior Comprehensive Responses Officer – United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
- Lewis Sida: Honorary Associate – Institute of Development Studies
- Yousra Taleb: Livelihoods and Social Stability Sectors’ Coordinator in South Lebanon – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Lebanon
- Hibiete Tesfaye: Senior Gender Consultant – Fair and Sustainable Ethiopia
- Professor Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung: Chair of Political Science & Interim Director of Peace and Conflict Studies – University of Massachusetts Lowell
All members of the Project Advisory Board are acting in a personal capacity and are not representing their organisations. Although the project team tries to act on their advice, they have no direct role in the project, and any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the project team.